Tuesday, December 13, 2005

House Progress

Sorry to anyone who has been awaiting news of our house move.
The latest news is that as far as we know, things are going well.
Everything with the sale seems to be on track - the buyer agreed to shift her entry date to match the entry date we have on our new house :) I think that all we have to do is sign the bits of paper.

As far as us buying is concerned, we've been sorting out the mortgage over the past few weeks, and the solicitors should be sorting out the "niggles" thrown up by the survey / valuation report.
Apparently the conservatory, if it had been built today, would not be up to standard - something to do with an inadequate firewall within a certain distance of next door. However if the people selling have proof that it complied with applicable Building Standards when it was built (which was before they moved in) then it should pass fine.

Next thing on the list to sort - removal companies !
I remarked to someone recently that this process is akin to getting married. So much preparation is involved that in the same way that I was looking forward more to the "being" married than the "getting" married, I'll be happy when all is done and we're settled in the new house. I'm not looking forward to the actual move at all.


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