Happy New Year 2

Traditionally a group of friends have gathered for a few days over New Year. It becomes more important as various members of the Group move away from Edinburgh, and the group gets bigger as people in the group get married (to "oustiders" !!) and/or have babies.....
This year, as last year, we were in Arbroath, in Hospitalfield House (shown) for a few days of eating, drinking, celebrating, walking, praying, playing, chatting and generally being together.
I didn't manage to win the late night Hogmany Poker Session, losing all my chips at around 3.30 am, but at least I wasn't 1 of the 3 people who lost everything but were able to come back in with some of the "left-overs". I also avoided joining in the game of "Axis and Allies" that seemed to span across a full day and a half....
so now it's "back to work", and back to moving house.
We've had 2 sets of removal people in do do quotes, neither of which were particularly impressed by us being 3 flights up on a narrow 1-way street. We sign off on selling the flat tomorrow (hopefully). There is still a bit of a holdup with the conservatory in the new house, but that shoudl be fixed soon.
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