Wet Kipper Writes
Yes, I blog too. Or I will, when I think I've got something I want to say
Friday, October 27, 2006
Thursday, October 26, 2006
Delirious?, Glasgow, Oct 20th
Okay - I know, I'm slipping.
I really should post things sooner after they happen.
My sister and I went with a friend to the Delirious? concert in Glasgow on Friday.
We made good time on the road through, The time passing quickly as we watched the new Live DVD that Delirious? have just brought out. We were able to park fairly close to the venue, but thanks to the venue's inability to spell, we weren't sure if we were at the right place:

We were early enough to head off to the nearest chippy, eat, and get back in time to be front of the queue, so we were able to get a prime spot, right at the front barrier, off to one side to be right under the nose of the Bassist. So we endured 45 minutes of nothing, as the hall filled, and then a set by Tim Hughes, which was more like leading worship than a concert.
Then, just as the roadies were changing the set, we noticed a strange noise in the background, and saw that people were disappearing out a side door.
"FIRE ALARM - EVACUATION - EVERYONE OUT" shouted the RockSteady guys and so we all filed out on the grass behind the venue, knowing that our prime position was lost.
Once we got back in, I did manage to get back down to the front, but it was a bit further over, and not as good.
The gig was great, a mixture of old and new, though as it was part of the "Mission Bell" tour, there were a lot if songs from this, their newest studio album. At one point, rather than try crowd walking/surfing lije he usually does, Martin instead got down form the stage, climbed over the barrier, and waded into the crowd to about halfway back, follwoed by a concerned looking Security guy, and a rather worried Roadie, making sure he had enough mic cable.
Jon, the Bassist, used to havean on-stage mascot called Elvis, who was a green inflatable Alien. Elvis hasn't seen at a gig for quite a while, so we took our own, and rested him on the fron barrier, which got a nod and a smile from Jon.
A night of Rock and Roll and Worship, and if the band enjoyed it as much as they say they love coming to Scotland, I'm sure they'll be back again soon. Hopefully for Frenzy 2007, even though they've not been confirmed yet. Or even mentioned, for that matter.
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
Beautiful, cold and expensive
Was how a friend of mine described Scandinavia (though at first I thought he was talking about an ex-girlfriend), and he was mainly right
I was in Stockholm for work last week. It was a lovely place, and reminded me a lot of Vienna.
When I told folks I was goign to Stockholm, they did that whole "Mechanic" thing of sucking breath in over the teeth, complete with "It'll be expensive"
However it didn't appear that way, just eating and drinking out seemed pricy, and that was okay because work was paying for it.
One evening we enjoyed some lovely meatballs (much meatier than the ones you get in IKEA) and found what seems to be the Most Expensive Whisky Ever. 3,000 Swedish Kronor for a cl (10 ml) equates to about £560 a shot. We were shown the bottle when we were chatting to the barman. (Well, I say we, but it was all my Swedish-speaking colleague), it cost them 150,000 Kr (£11k) when they got it 5 years ago, and it was nearly finished - someone's actually had some !
Friday, October 06, 2006
M&S mistakes
Someone on the Ship of Fools, which has a high pedant count, linked to a Guardian story describing how someone complaied to Marks and Spencer's about packaging that mentioned "Baby Giraffe's" and got a refund.
Do you think I should tell them about this notice that I saw outside their Simply Food store in King's Cross railway station ?

Monday, October 02, 2006
What's Happening
And looking forward, October looks like it will be a fun month.
We've just joined the local (council run) gym, which should improve my fitness and physique - providing I keep going.
Work is going to take me to Stockholm for a few days - thankfully a colleague who speaks Swedish is coming with me as I don't like being somewhere that I don't speak the language. He has reassured me that many people there will speak fantastic English.
I'm going to a Delirious? concert in Glasgow on the 20th, having seen them at Frenzy already this year.
Origin are doing City Praise on the 22nd.
It's my birthday on the 25th (and I have no idea what I want, or if anything special is happening)
What happened ?
A recent comment to a post I made 5 motnhs ago, has shamed me into making sure I update this more frequently. There are some blogs I regularly check on (Hi Jack, Hi Alex) and notice when there are a lack of updates, so maybe I should sort out the log in my own eye first
so , in the first of 2 posts for today, I shall attempt to catch up on what I have done over the past 5 months !!!
we had a really nice holiday in July/August, first in Limone on Lake Garda, Italy and then in Zell am See in Austria. ( where we spotted the "Lumpi appartments" - thankfully were were in much more comfortable accomodation)
2 Days after we got back, work took me to Munich for a meeting, only 80 miles away from where I had actually been on holiday.
The Origin Exile Singers (in which I sing Bass) went to Aberdeen to help lead worship as part of the Encounter 06 event put on by Soled Out.
Good friends of ours got married in September, the wedding was great fun.
I became an Uncle on Sept 11th, so "Congratualtions" to Aileen & David, and "Welcome" too Rachel Jean.
Somewhere in the midst of that I agreed to be a host of the Circus (fun and Games) board on the Ship of Fools